import sys import os import vlc from vlc import VideoMarqueeOption import time import threading import pyttsx3 timestamp_text = [] #parse input.txt to get the instructions with open('input.txt') as file: lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: instruction_data = line.strip().split(" ", 1) instruction_data[0] = int(instruction_data[0]) timestamp_text.append(instruction_data) if __name__ == '__main__': try: from msvcrt import getch except ImportError: import termios import tty def getch(): # getchar(), getc(stdin) #PYCHOK flake fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(fd) ch = finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old) return ch # helpful references: # # def f(f_stop): seconds = 0 t_item = timestamp_text.pop(0) while not f_stop.is_set(): #gets set in the quit_app() function if (str(player.get_state()) != 'State.Paused'): time.sleep(1) seconds += 1 m, s = divmod(seconds, 60) player.video_set_marquee_string(VideoMarqueeOption.Text, f'{m:02d}:{s:02d}') if seconds == t_item[0]: player.pause() #set marquee position and time to big and center player.video_set_marquee_int(VideoMarqueeOption.Size, 48) player.video_set_marquee_int(VideoMarqueeOption.Position, 0) #center player.video_set_marquee_string(VideoMarqueeOption.Text, str(t_item[1])) engine.say(t_item[1]) if timestamp_text: #assuming that instruction entries are in ascending timestamp order t_item = timestamp_text.pop(0) engine.runAndWait() player.video_set_marquee_int(VideoMarqueeOption.Size, 32) player.video_set_marquee_int(VideoMarqueeOption.Position, 9) #BottomLeft player.pause() if '-h' in sys.argv[:2] or '--help' in sys.argv[:2]: print('Usage: %s [options] ' % sys.argv[0]) print('Once launched, type ? for help.') print('') else: movie = os.path.expanduser(sys.argv.pop()) if not os.access(movie, os.R_OK): print('Error: %s file not readable' % movie) sys.exit(1) # Need --sub-source=marq in order to use marquee below instance = vlc.Instance(["--sub-source=marq"] + sys.argv[1:]) #instance = vlc.Instance(["--sub-filter=marq"] + sys.argv[1:]) try: media = instance.media_new(movie) except (AttributeError, NameError) as e: print('%s: %s (%s %s vs LibVLC %s)' % (e.__class__.__name__, e, sys.argv[0], __version__, libvlc_get_version())) sys.exit(1) player = instance.media_player_new() player.set_media(media) player.set_rate(1.0) def mspf(): """Milliseconds per frame""" return int(1000 // (player.get_fps() or 25)) def print_info(): """Print information about the media""" try: print_version() media = player.get_media() print('State: %s' % player.get_state()) print('Media: %s' % media.get_mrl().encode()) print('Track: %s/%s' % (player.video_get_track(), player.video_get_track_count())) print('Current time: %s/%s' % (player.get_time()/1000, media.get_duration()/1000)) print('Position: %s' % player.get_position()) print('FPS: %s (%d ms)' % (player.get_fps(), mspf())) print('Rate: %s' % player.get_rate()) print('Video size: %s' % str(player.video_get_size(0))) # num=0 print('Scale: %s' % player.video_get_scale()) print('Aspect ratio: %s' % player.video_get_aspect_ratio()) except Exception: print('Error: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]) def print_help(): """Print help""" print('Single-character commands:') for k, m in sorted(keybindings.items()): m = (m.__doc__ or m.__name__).splitlines()[0] print(' %s: %s.' % (k, m.rstrip('.'))) print('0-9: go to that fraction of the movie') def quit_app(): """Stop and exit""" f_stop.set() sys.exit(0) keybindings = { ' ': player.pause, 'f': player.toggle_fullscreen, 'i': print_info, 'q': quit_app, '?': print_help, } print('Press q to quit, ? to get help.%s' % os.linesep) # get the text to speech engine set up engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.setProperty('rate', 135) # get the timer/instruction thread started f_stop = threading.Event() t = threading.Thread(target=f, args=(f_stop,)) t.start() while True: k = getch() print('> %s' % k) if k in keybindings: keybindings[k]() elif k.isdigit(): # jump to fraction of the movie. player.set_position(float('0.'+k))